Saturday, September 15, 2012

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A trip to the dark sky on the island Lastovo in 2008, I learned from a report slovenischer star friends from the dark sky on the Croatian island Lastovo creekside apartments After this report came on request, whrend one of our summer holidays in Croatia to spend a few days on the island of Lastovo. This year, the new moon in June, it was time. The POSSIBILITY to escape the whrend WEIEN Nchten Central Europe to observe under a darker sky in the south, the summer Milky me very motivated. The 1200 km long journey creekside apartments from Stuttgart to Split is almost creekside apartments over vollstndig motorways creekside apartments possible. OLD TOWN AND PORT OF SPLIT Before the start of the trip I inquired about the departure times of the benefit most, and that was good, every day there are only a 2-benefit most to Lastovo. One of these sets at 10am from 15 in Split, on arrival creekside apartments at scheduled Lastovo um15Uhr 15 FHRHAFEN IN SPLIT BY THE ferry LASTOVO In bright sunshine we headed to the ferry over to the islands of Brac and Hvar to Korcula. Fhrhafen in Vela Luka, which we reached after 3 hours, we changed to a smaller ferry, after another 1.5 hour drive we arrived at the island of Lastovo creekside apartments Ubli at the pier. IN VIEW OF ISLAND LASTOVO LASTOVO GOOD ARRIVED In the late afternoon, the island creekside apartments was roughly explored by car and kept on the lookout bernachtungsmglichkeiten and restaurants. We decided the only hotel on the island, "Solitudo" quartering. THE HOTEL IN SOLITUDO PASADUR After dinner in the hotel restaurant the first night observation was begun. I drove to Sdspitze, a small fishing harbor with lighthouse called Skrivena Luka (Hidden Bay) and struck thence westwards in a small country lane. After about 1 km fhlte I am far enough away from inhabited building and put my 8Zoll F5 travel Dobson next to the car on the dirt road. More than one visual aids Kronos 6x30 binoculars with 12.5 and 12x60 Meopta Binoculars creekside apartments with 5.5 field were with. 8 INCH OF TRAVEL creekside apartments TO THE DOBSON south coast OF LASTOVO creekside apartments observation report of 8.6.2010: against 21 clock starts Dmmerung, the first visible planets Venus, Mars and Saturn are taken with the Dob a look. Unfortunately, next to the lighthouse is a Auenlicht turns which strt my adaptation. The beacon of the lighthouse facing away from my position and not strt. I put the Dob in the shadow of the tailgate of my car, and cover it with a rug. over the water surface of the Adriatic Sea up to a height creekside apartments of 10 Dunst, but there are 2 bright stars visible in nrdlichen centaurs. creekside apartments With their help, and 2 stars in the queue, it is easy to locate the galaxy M83. In 8 inch Dob I see next to a star-shaped core with indirect creekside apartments view inside the rounded Flche 2 spiral arms. The magnification betrgt with the 21mm Pentax XL eyepiece 48-fold, the use of the China-11mm UWA (90 times) does not necessarily bring more detail, because the spiral arms can be seen that only very weak. I take the lions galaxies, including M65 +66, NGC 3628 and M95 and NGC3384 +96 +105 and NGC 2903 and NGC 3344 in the head again on the back of declining lions with the Dob grain. about the lighthouse of Skrivena Luka against 23 clock is the scorpion. The globular cluster M4 and M80 and NGC 6144 are small The nearest objects in Dobson. Fernglsern with the Milky Way from the swan is admired by between Scorpio and treasures. After many hours on butt and legs I beschliee es fr make this evening be good. On the following morning at breakfast we inquired about the way to the observation site of the Slovenes. ON THE VINEYARD Heliodrom HUM (about 417m above sea level) creekside apartments [IMG] PANORAMA OF THE HUM SDSPITZE WITH SKRIVENA LUKA [/ IMG ] This observation site is located on the 417m high mountain Hum. The bend for Hum I had not noticed the night before, a wooden sign with aufgepinselter creekside apartments inscription "HOM" is outside creekside
apartments of the field of view of the main road. A pretty alpine road with numerous hairpin bends leads to the Hum 400 mhher good, where there is a radar system of the Croatian Army. A sign prohibiting observing, photographing and entering. To its right is another sign that the way to "Heliodrom" shows. About 500 of the summit and only msdstlich et

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